Choir and Choir Music

Created by Sarah one year ago

I was a choir member at North London Military Wives Choir with Jody in 2013/4 and in 2016/7.  When I returned in 2016, inevitably there were new songs to learn and I moaned on to her that I couldn’t get to grips with a particular song.  Jody went home and recorded herself twice, giving me two options ‘a bit flat at the end’ apparently…. Or the version ‘with dogs barking’.  It didn’t really matter, they were both good and not flat, but I really loved the dogs barking!  I still have the copy.  I will try to add it somehow, but I may need some help.

Since I left again in 2017, I would regularly message Jody with what I called ‘choir conundrums’, where we would chew over a problem together, to look for a solution.  She was always practical and helpful.


she is so missed in so many ways. 💗💜💙